Family Pet Hospital Website Project

In the summer of 2020 with the majority of businesses closed or running on limited capacity due to COVID, the online presence of companies became so much more important. Family Pet Hospital is my parent’s veterinary business founded in 2012. Since my father is a veterinarian he wanted to run his own practice to allow… Continue reading Family Pet Hospital Website Project

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Homelab Update: April 2021

Just a quick update and post on my homelab setup. About a month ago I purchased a Lenovo Thinkcentre M920. I bought it with the intention of using it as a Hyper-V host to run virtual machines and other things as opposed to having multiple computers/servers. Specs: I got pretty lucky on the eBay bid… Continue reading Homelab Update: April 2021

Homelab Update: January 2021

New year, new equipment. Over winter break I decided to do some updates/upgrades to my homelab setup. It’s nothing crazy like the guys over on /r/homelab but its something since I have to work around my parent’s space restrictions. pfSense: So I have had pfsense installed for a little bit over a year now and… Continue reading Homelab Update: January 2021